Thursday 30 October 2014

Update: Local Artist

29/10/2014 (week 6)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin (0319405)
Update: Progression on the Local Artis that We Admire

Technically Mr Charles said we wouldn't be having any lectures unless something urgent comes up.Today was a meet up,and whiles having our regular discussion we talked about our progress so far,we didn't specify which local artist we would interview.

Among's the Local Artist we Admire :
1.Sarah Ameera (Visual Artist)
2.Mariyam Shany Ahmed
3.Raja Azeem Idzham
4.Haris Rashid 

Upon explaining that we've actually met these artist in the flesh,it was easier for us to contact them.
Since Mr Charles told us that we were ahead of the class ,we could already start interviewing right away.However it was crucial for us to dig around an do some research,collecting raw data about the artists .

Data like 'Where they went to Highschool?''Their artworks'.Basically their background data.
We were also ask to make our own speculations about the artist before meeting them.We were asked to describe in detail what we felt about the artists itself.How they look like from their hair to the way they dressed.Others like their artwork,"What kind of styles they use?""Does their style convey a message?",ect.

I think its a great idea to judge them before hand,just to see how different things would turn out after we have interviewed them.This is because most of the time,first impressions often leave a false statement.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Local Artis I came to Admire

Week 2
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin (0319405)
Local Artist I came to admire

So already at the beginning of semester and we've got a life long assignment to do some reacher and come across local artist that we will soon after interview.And of course,this is a group assignment,my team mates and I ( Serra,Wafaa,Olivia and Yanlin) each decided to go on about ourselves and each pick one artist we all admire.We then would each explain to one another as to why we chose these artist.

Whiles I was doing my research I came across Sarah Ameera .Sarah Ameera is a visual artist that hales from Penang and lives in Kl. I know nothing much about her since I've been searching high and low about her general biography.I'd say she's pretty smart at keeping it a secret.

It is said in her brief biography blog, Sarah is a nature lover and art enthusiast who just loves to experiment visual artistry form analogue to digital.She basically aims to merge traditional arts with digital technology that then transforms into visual metaphors.

Sarah has so far collaborated and work closely on making props,painting ,illustrations,live video projectors and numerous music videos for workshops.She had collaborated with artist like Liyana Fizi,Pastle Lite,Ferns,Jack In The Box Penang ,Converse and even others.

Here are some of her artworks

 "ROUGE" Painting Series, 2012.
Medium : Mixed media and paper.
Personal watercolour painting incorporating florals and figures.

Zodiac Series, October 2013.
Medium : Digitally manipulated images and Adobe Photoshop. 

Basically I think some of her artworks are mostly spontaneous,some look like she barely tried,for instance ,with a simply splat here and there she has it called art.As for some of her collages,the weirded the better."Funky" would be exact.She plays with alot of colour,from brights to the darks.However,I personally love the fact that she has experiment with a lot of medium,from watercolour paintings to digital tech stuff like creating music videos for events like EFOZY.

All and all I don't mean to criticise to much.They say you can once you've already made it to the top.As for now I would say I do admire some of her work and how hardworking she is.

In our recent discussion we have all concluded to one artist we all truly admire,which was an artist Yanlin picked out.

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