Batik Field Trip
We searched on google on ideas,the thought of birds free flowing came to mind.
Jadi Batek Gallery
So a few hours ago my course mates and I were on our way to the batik factory at Jadi Batek Gallery in KL.The bus ride wasn't too long, a lot of us feel pretty sleepy tho since it was only 9am in the morn.Just as soon as we reached there we're the workers that greeted us in.Inside they showed us a brief demo on the techniques they used to hold the tools in order to canting on the fabric itself.After words we were off to pick our own spot.
In that moment everyone just sprawled to find an empty blank canvas to begin their artwork.Most of my group members were close by,Serra being on my left hand side and Yanlin in front of me,unfortunately Seline was blocked by JJ who took the spot next to me,owh well.
Tracing the design onto the piece of fabric wasn't so bad,however since mine was detailed,with all the bark tress and leaves,it took a longer time.After my back ache from bending down for so long I finally finished tracing majority of the design,I took it upon myself to trust my gut and do the chanting free hand.After all the stupid jokes and laughter,we wasted no more time and decided it was time to chanting.Chanting is know as some sort of candle waxed used in the proses of batik in order to avoid colour spreading all over the cloth .
Once I’ve gotten the feel of the tool, I said a tiny prayer and begin. Just like how the workers demonstrated,I knew I couldn't stopped halfway through.And so I practiced on my own,then came the real deal.It started out okay,I must admit it wasn't that hard,right until someone shifts the weight of the fabric.This happened way too many times,it frustrated me even more when horror struck.I was canting my design onto the cloth when suddenly the weight on the fabric cloth shifted and threw my hands off balanced,I ended up spilling most of my candle wax onto my artwork.There laid the blob of wax,by then I was going all sorts of crazy trying to find a way to fix it,with no such luck there wasn't a spot left for me to redo my artwork and so Ms Lisa asked me to continue where I left off,perhaps improvise it later on.Heartbrokenly I continued loosing my passion towards my now spoilt art.

The two ladies helping us out with the boarder.
There I supposed I’ve wasted time,perhaps I was too eger to start painting but the damage has been done,XXXx lost interest in doing it,i felt like it wasn't fair,i didn't get a star over like Mishu or the rest.but time was flying and since time is gold I had to pick myself up.,slowly i begin to proceed an paint,with Serra catching up on me,we’ve decide which colours and tones work well,she and i begin with our mountain,waiting for her to finish with so i could take over,then came the highlights and
Seline's Batik design
The base
Roughly how the designs would look like when pared together .
All and all it was a fun and memorable trip,despite the screams and rush,me and my team mates had enjoyed ever bit of it.Working together picking out which colours would coordinate best.In the end,I would say we did a great job working together.
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