Saturday 2 May 2015

Tiny Details

For this assignment we were asked to draw a close up of an object as detailed as possible.We were given a few selections as to what objects to draw.The objects were leaves,watches,cars,shoes or bugs.I decided to take the challenge and drew myself a beetle.I searched up google and was pleased to find a few interesting looking patterned bugs.
At first I had in mind a completely different composition for my bug drawing.However, Ms Norgi decided otherwise and asked me to draw my beetle huger, making it cover my entire paper.And so this was the result :-


To be honest,im not very keene on the composition either, but it doesn't bother me much. I also think I could have done better if the drawing was a bit more downsized since i wasn't to comfortable drawing in a bigger scale.Overall, I felt that this assignment made me open up more to try and expand me from my comfort zone.

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