Saturday 27 June 2015

Rendering Perspective (Watercolour)

An overview of the busy roads in a small town

Reflection :

In the picture, the painting looks very much dull. I've came to realise that this water colour rendering was to simple. When Miss said that we should control the amount of colour used in a picture, I made some research and most of these watercolour paintings were simple,basic and left a lot of white spaces unfilled.As Mr Redzwan had said less is more and so that was what I did exactly,to be honest I quite liked my rendering, there wasn't to much colour to distract the soft tone.Tho I admit I could have done better by adding at least a bit more shades into it to make it look a bit more lively. I suppose everyone has their own style and preference when it comes to rendering. This I've realised from looking at my fellow classmates works, I've noticed some of them colour the entire page, crazy colours flying everywhere I'd say but yet they still got similar marks as me.

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