Monday 14 September 2015

Interior Design Project 1 : RYTHM WALL


Our next Phase 1 Assignment was to construct a RHYTHM WALL according to our given music genres. In which case mine was Electronic Dance Music .

The Rhythm Wall would have to portray and give a best impression about the music genre itself. We were given freedom to design our future wall. However, we were told that keeping designs to a minimal and abstract looking would be more interesting . As for the materials, we were given enough freedom to use whatever we liked as long as they were white in colour or colourless. However , Ms Norgi did advice us to use minimal materials as we have yet to look into what materials were suitable for which designs.


Electronic Dance  Music has now become one of the most mainstream music of the generation. It is know that EDM represents up beat music, with high low tempos,fast tracks and repetition.

I was influenced by the movement of the music itself. Whenever I envision EDM , I began to  picture a ball of energy. Pumping , blasting and full of movement. Unleash the Beast , represents the music strongly. It is where in EDM that people lose their self consciousness  and completely surrender themselves to the music.In an abstract way, the strange shape shows how from the center ,the ball of energy slowly becomes a whole, creating its own aura and effects peoples mood .

Process :


Front of wall 

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