For this weeks task we were asked to go explore different materials then the usual standard furnitures we had in Taylors Lakeside. We would each on our own go visit different furniture stores and produce a detailed sketch on how the product' furniture is being assembled and what the specifications are.
Each person has to have at least 3 different types of furniture made from different types of material.
A chair, A table and A cabinet. All furniture to be free standing . I went to Ikea for this task as it was a whole lot easier to measure the dimensions and obtain their product information.
1. Chair with Arm wrest
2. Coffee Table
3. Shoe Cabinate
Reflection :
Based on my understanding, there was a whole lot of materials being used and the endless amount of finishes . Most of them almost similar but different. Some materials I've never even heard of before. Doing these observation sketches really made me open up my eyes and realised as a designer I need to know and understand and also update myself with all of these information. After all, materials and finishes is definitely important to understand .
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