Saturday 22 October 2016

Change of Venue: The Garage, KL

Since our final assignment is approaching there were a lot of things that had been reconsidered. First of was the location of shooting. Originally I chose the Vermani house in hopes to capture my model and its setting. Sadly however, it seems as tho it might be a bit of a stretch to get an agreement for the request to shoot at the location. As my previous post has stated that the Vermani house is currently resided by a young couple and their younger daughter.

And so I've settled upon The garage,KL.

The Garage, KL

Address: Jalan Hillview,Taman Sri Ukay, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
Operating Hours: 9AM -2AM
Contact: +60 19-380 5277

As for the model, I've decided to ask my good friend Ummar. He will play the role of a grunge 90’s styled  rebellious teenager. The setting is set in a place where large shipment containers are stacked atop of one another thus eventually creating a new sort of teenage getaway secluded from the  hustle and bustle of the city. 

Brief info of the model

Name : Ummar Khan 
Age: 20
Status: Student 

Sunday 9 October 2016

Street Photography : Little India, Klang (Updated)

A lady putting together a flowered necklace. She was one of the first to be photographed as soon as we sat foot in Little India, Klang.  Assuming she was used to all these tourist taking photos, she didn't bother much or even hesitated as cameras begin clicking away. 

An uncle in his bicycle store. He was on all fours when I caught him fixing what appears to be scrapes of metal, perhaps they were bicycle gears. His partner much older than he was, sat behind blending in with the background.

A pious man walking around on the streets. Dressed in bright coloured clothing, layers upon layers, I quickly snapped the photo. He appeared to be in a hurry.

These three ladies were comfortable enough to have us taken their photos as if its been done before. They simply carried about their daily routine and carried on with their playful conversations.

A man is seen staring straight into the eyes of the camera. 

This man caught me stealing a photo of him. He looked tired and restless by the hot summers heat.

These kids were waiting for the bus to school. While their mother was having a chat with the locals, I flashed my camera and took photos of them. The hot heat seemed to effect this two subjects as they had wary patience waiting.

I suppose this uncle was a monk. Pious and spiritual man. He had a mini radio that he had carried in his little leather pouch bag seen hanging on his neck, spiritual music I believe. He wore bright mustered yellow clothing and walked around with a stick, lowered his gaze whenever he was approached.  

A man caught my eye during the blazing heat of day. Waiting to cross the road I quickly snapped the photo. 

Sunday 2 October 2016

Photography Task 4: Target users and style

Since I've missed the last class and last weeks tutorial. I suppose I'll update what has been asked of me since my previous tutorial. I was asked to search for a muse who would model for me for the final photography assignment. I was to give a brief description about him/her and decided what sort of style I would go for.

Target User / Model Character

The style and sort of character that I want in my shootings would be a teenager, probably a laid back sort of person looking to chill. Grunge, I don't give two shit's kinda person. This place would be a retreat home. Shone away from the busy hustle and bustle of the streets. Its almost therapeutic to stay in a concrete jungle like house.

A perfect example of this character would be Sky Ferreira.

The Venue:
Vermani House

The house happens to be a remodelling exercise of an existing house which turned into a house for a couple an their younger daughter. The existing house has been ripped and left bare to its true concrete structure onto which roofs and walls were added. The house turns itself away from the street with little openings in order to provide maximum privacy. The courtyard is in the shape of a horse shoe is where most of the daily activities occur.